Saturday, July 12, 2008


I loved what PS Jeff said earlier on stage, "Character cannot be taught in a classroom, it can only be taught in the furnace of serving God..."

You see, I really believe in having character, because character moulds a person's life. It changes the person. In fact, this can be linked to prayer! When we ask God to change a situation, God doesn't actually change the situation. Instead, He will first change the person, and once the person is changed, this changed person will then change the situation. 

Serving God isn't easy. It's going to be tough. The road is narrow and thin. But walking through figs, thorns and branches in the narrow path will develop perseverance, endurance, strength, CHARACTER. 

I anticipate testings from God very soon. As much as I hate to admit it, but I still have to face it! Simply because of what I said earlier - "Character cannot be taught in a classroom, it can only be taught in the furnace of serving God..."

God, bring it on! I'm ready! 

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