Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Papa's Day

I guess this is life as you see it, through your eyes.

Am always painstakingly praying very hard for you everyday; to somehow catch a glimpse of light, or even a tinge heaven. Though you always ask us "when will I ever see again?", I guess I'll never be able to enter your world of permanent darkness, but rest assured that I'll be here for you throughout this life, and of course to the next. By then, we're going to see many more wonderful things, together with our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ; our Daddy God. Here's a happy daddy's day to you, for all my childhood and teenage memories of you taking care of me. Now it's my turn to do likewise.

Also not forgetting the One whom I love - happy Daddy's day to the best dad ever in my life. Thank You for this life, for everything that has happened, and for all that You're going to do. Can't imagine how this journey would've been without You - it's absolutely unimaginable.

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