Just yesterday, I was once again in awe of God's characteristics - His patience, love, trust and believe. When I was thinking of all the evil that humans all over the world are doing, I am simply amazed by God's hope in all of us. No matter what we do, God is always believing in us; He is always having a heart of hope towards us. He never gave up on us. He never even thought of our failures. But instead, He chose to look at our strengths. And indeed, we can exclaim how 'great is our God!'
And this made me wonder... How am I treating my people/sheep/friends around me? Am I trusting/believing in them the way God sees them as? Am I taking up the courage to love them to the best? Am I the shepherd who looks at their flaws rather than their strengths? Or am I the shepherd that God called me to be - the one who believes and persevere in those in his hands... These are the few questions that came to mind.
It took me a while to think and reflect on my past mistakes, errors and 'boo-boos' that I've made before. And I've came to the conclusion that I will never ever give up on anyone under my care. No matter what background they may come from, no matter what they have done, no matter how lousy they are, I will never stop believing in them! Although God's standard of trust towards us is limitless, I will still, with my limited heart and strength, will find the courage in God to believe, to hope, and to trust those under me. If I'm a pianist, I wouldn't care much about the croud's applause. But I would want to hear the affirmation from my teacher... If I'm a soldier, I would want to hear praises from my commander... If I'm a sportsman, I would want to hear words of encouragement from my coach...
And surely, at the end of the day, I hope to hear praises from my Master - "Well done, good and faithful servant..."